
“Living Life in Shades of Gray”

Ivy Vine1

2008 Highlights


November 21 thru 23 - Zoe wins her NA & NAJ agility titles in Priceville, AL.

November 6 thru 9 - Rush goes BOW all 4 days to win his final 4 points and his CHAMPIONSHIP in Priceville, AL.

Rush also took a GROUP 3 in the
 Herding Bred-By Group.

Rush Priceville BBE02

Rush Nashville TN BOW

October 18 - Rush wins WD, BOW & BOS
for a 4 POINT MAJOR in Nashville, TN under Cardigan breeder Judge Marieann Gladstone.

September 28 - Rush wins WD, BOW and BEST OF BREED over 3 specials for 2 MORE POINTS in Murfreesboro, TN.

September 27 - Rush wins WD & BOW for 2 POINTS in Murfreesboro, TN.

2008-09 Murfreesboro BOB202

Rush Aroo BSS Atlanta03

August 24 - Rush wins Best In Sweepstakes, WD and BOW for a 3 POINT MAJOR at the CWCCA supported show in Atlanta, GA.

July 17 & 18 - Rush wins back-to-back Major Reserves at the Bluebonnet Regional Specialty in Houston, TX!

June 8 - Lacey takes Reserve WB on a 4 point major her first weekend out in Fletcher, NC.

Lacey Fletcher RWB03

Rush Fletcher02

June 7 - Rush takes Reserve WD onMa 4 point major at the tender age of 7 months in Fletcher, NC.

May 17 & 18 - Zoe wins 2 of her NAJ legs at her first trial in Priceville, AL.

Jenna Clarksville BOBb

April 26 & 27 - Jenna wins back to back BEST OF BREED in Clarksville, TN.

April 13, 14 & 15 - Freki had a great time at the CWCCA Nationals.  He won a 1st & 2nd placement his first time out in the Pre-Novice obedience classes.

Freki also earned his Herding Instinct Certificate. 

Jenna Franklin-TN BOB03

March 22 - Jenna wins BEST OF BREED in Franklin, TN.

Ivy Vine1

2007 Highlights

November 10 & 11 - Jenna wins back to back BEST OF OPPOSITE out of a large entry in Priceville, AL.

October 21 - Jenna wins another BEST OF BREED in Nashville, TN.

September 29 & 30 - Jenna wins back to back BEST OF BREED in Murfreesboro, TN!

 Jenna MurfBOB02


October 18 - Dixie has a litter of adorable puppies.

Zoe Greenville

July 27 & 28 - Zoe takes first in the Bred-By class her first weekend out in Greenville, SC.

April 22 - Dixie is borrowed for the weekend by Junior Handler Dane at a George Alston Handling Seminar in Tupelo, MS.  Together they win “Most Improved”!

 Dixie Dane George


April 21 - At the tender age of 10 months, Freki earns his CGC on his first attempt. 

February 24 - Dixie is back in the agility ring after an extended break.  She won her last AXP leg with a 1st place win in Priceville, AL.  She now has 9 AKC agility titles.

 Dixie jump30

February 4 - Jenna started off the New Year nicely by winning
BEST OF OPPOSITE out of 30 Cardigans in Atlanta, GA.

Ivy Vine1

2006 Highlights

Jenna Puppy Group 105

November 12, 2006 - Jenna finished her CHAMPIONSHIP with back to back Majors at the CWCCA supported shows in Priceville, AL and a GROUP 1 in the Herding Puppy Group! All of her points were won in the 9 - 12 month puppy classes and always handled by me, her owner, Heidi Spradling.

June 15 - Tayler has 4 adorable puppies.  Please go to Tayler’s Puppy Page to see her litter.


2006-05-25 Precious and Get 4a

May 27 - Jenna helped her mother, Precious, place 2nd in the Brood Bitcb class at the 2006 CWCCA Nationals. 

May 22 & 23 - Dixie earns 1 MJP and 2 AXP legs at the 2006 CWCCA Nationals in Ft Mitchell, KY.

 Dixie weave 103

Brent and Dixie OA

April 2 - Brent and Dixie earn their OA title. 

February 26 - Brent and Dixie earn their NAJ title in Priceville, AL.

 2006-02-26 Brent and Dixie NAJ title


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Recognized as an
AKC Breeder of Merit